This hack will stop you from crying during your Wedding day

It’s almost inevitable, there will be tears on your Wedding Day; but the issue is that they tend to come at the most inconvenient time like when you’re trying to do a speech or remember the steps to your first dance.

Which is where this life-changing hack comes in.

Ad Vingerhoets a scientist from Tilburg University in the USA has revealed this simple hack that will stop you from crying.

Ad explained that the trick is to pinch down on the little piece of skin between your thumb and pointer finger… hard!

Make sure you do this as soon as you start feeling the tears on their way.

The reason that this works is because tears are usually the result of feeling helpless, so tensing your muscles and pinching the skin can make you feel more control. “I can imagine that, more generally, increasing muscle tension and moving may limit your crying response, because it seems that crying is in particular a passive and helpless reaction,” Vingerhoets said.

So, there you have it!


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Posted in Planning by wedded wonderland

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